Relentless Reviews With Corbz

OG_Big_Sean OG_Big_Sean · 3 years ago · 1739 views
Relentless Reviews With Corbz


It’s been a long time coming this review, this is one of the most creative and talented men I’ve ever had the pleasure to listen to welcome to another review for

A.Moortal (Ruin)

So this is the latest single by the one man band sensation Aaron Moore! And I have to say I love what he’s bringing to the table here!

This time around he’s bringing a strong Metalcore resurrection to 2021! It’s as if the Metalcore prime era of the 2010’s never left! It’s rocking in every way shape and form!

You’ve those thudding drums, accompanied by those heavy handed guitar patterns and everything just forms perfectly together in this vicious cycle of intensity, recklessness and power!

The vocals are top notch! You can hear the quality of those screams! The way he screams along side those breakdown style guitar riffs is a sign of pure metal beauty!

This is the kind of song you’d listen to when your amping yourself up ready to tackle a big challenge or the kind of song you’d play when someone is really getting on your nerves and your ready to show them whose boss!

If I had to give a specific comparison imagine if you combined the best of bands like

-Lamb Of God


-As I Lay Dying

-KillSwitch Engage and then add a slight modern flare to it all to create a track so powerful and kickass that it’s nearly impossible.. scratch that it’s IMPOSSIBLE to resist banging your head too!

I haven’t heard him in a while but here he is, back and better then ever! Can’t wait for future release and neither should you! Check out this link, subscribe to his social media and YouTube and most importantly



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